In April 2023, Patenti rolled-out Essay Competition towards World IP Day celebration to encourage creativity and increase people’s awareness, understanding of intellectual property.
Topic for Essay: “Why is Intellectual Property important to me?”
More about the objectives of the competition here:
The competition was very well received with about 50K impressions and 80+ essay submission. Maximum participation was observed from students across universities of India, showing the enthusiasm of the youth of the country towards Intellectual Property.
We are glad that this writing competition has resonated with many young people. We are overwhelmed to receive the essays from School students, graduate students from Engineering, Management, Science, Arts and corporate professionals. We are glad that this was an opportunity for the writers to embrace the power and purpose of IP.

The writers set their essays in the context of their unique life experiences. Many submissions had poems and art work which are close to the writer's heart. It was an honor to read their stories, art and narrative.
Among the essays, 2 submissions are chosen as winning essays. They made an impression with their originality, writing style and relevance to spirit of the theme.
Here is congratulating our winners:
First Prize: Richa Raj, 12th Grade Student
Second Prize: Akash Bhatia, Corp HR
The winners will receive rewards and excerpts from their essay will be published on Patenti Website in June 2023.

Honorable mentions as an acknowledgement to unique narrative:
Shravya Padre, Law Student
Smriti Sharma, Law Student
Lakshya Daga, Law Student
Amruta RawatePatil, Law Student
Further, we would like to thank all the participants for sharing your life story, creativity and your unique branding. They were thoughtful, and engaging.
We will compile the most compelling excerpts, poems and artwork from all submissions to publish them as Blog post in weeks to come.